I am a theatre director, playwright and actor. I have been working in the city of São Paulo (Brazil) since 2005 where I have developed dozens of artistic projects with the most different creators. Since 2020 I live in the city of Lyon (France) and I would like to continue my artistic research in contemporary theatre. My formation is in theater and dance, but my creations and artistic partners demonstrate my hybrid and unquiet poetics.
2016.2020 - Doctorate - Performing Arts - UNICAMP
2008.2011 - Master - Performing Arts - UNICAMP
2008.2010 - BA (dance) Unfinished - UNICAMP
2001.2004 - BA (theatre) - UNICAMP
theater director
2024 - MACÁRIO do brazil (MACÁRIO made in brazil)
2023 - A Grande Questão (The big question)
2023 - Priam et Hécube veulent pleurer (Priam and Hecuba want to cry)
2022 - AGAMENON 12h
2021 - Madame M
2021 - CASSANDRA we have a problem
2020 - O canto dos homens da terra (The song of the land men)
2017 - ANTIdeus (ANTI-god)
2017 - INIMIGOS (enemies)
2016 - OFÉLIA/hamlet rock\MACHINE
2015 - [H3O]mens ([H3O]men)
2015 - Achados & Perdidos (Lost & Found)
2014 - O que você realmente está fazendo é esperar o acidente acontecer
(What you are really doing is waiting for the accident to happen)
2013 - Selma
2012 - O defunto (Le défunt)
2012 - [outras] histórias reais ([other] real stories)
2012 - Quereres (Wishes)
2012 - tentativas contra a vida dElla (Attempts on her life)
2011 - O Rinoceronte (The Rhinoceros)
2011 - O pato, a morte e a tulipa (Duck, death and the tulip)
2011 - Penélope Vergueiro
2011 - [AMOR em fragmentos] ([LOVE in fragments])
2011 - voiZÉquy do brazil (Woyzeck)
2010 - O Horácio (Horatio)
2010 - Macacos me mordam (Monkeys bite me)
2003 - A vida como ela [não] é! (Life as it is [not]!)
original plays
2021 - xs culpadxs (the perpetrators)
2020 - O canto dos homens da terra (The song of the land men)
2020 - Vovó Surrealista (Surrealist Granny)
2019 - AINDA nada de novo (STILL nothing new)
2016 - ANTIdeus (ANTIgod)
2014 - O canto das mulheres do asfalto (The song of the asphalt women)
2011 - Concílio da Destruição (Council of Destruction)
2010 - Penélope Vergueiro
2007 - Ensaio sobre a queda (Essay about the fall)
2021 - CASSANDRA we have a problem
2018 - MEDUSA concreta (concrete MEDUSA)
2017 - INIMIGOS (enemies)
2016 - BAAL.material
2014 - GUERRA sem batalha (WAR without battle)
2011 - O pato selvagem (The wild duck)
2009 - 2o. d.pedro 2o.
2007 - A última quimera (The last chimera)
2006 - CHALAÇA a peça (CHALAÇA the play)
2018 - MEDUSA concreta (concrete MEDUSA)
2016 - MAUSER de garagem (garage MAUSER)
2015 - (ver[ ]ter) à deriva (see[ ]have) adrift
2014 - GUERRA sem batalha (WAR without battle)
2014 - Petróleo (petroleum)
2013 - Quem não sabe mais quem é, o que é e onde está, precisa se mexer (Those who no longer know who they are, what they are and where they are need to move)
2013 - Corra como um coelho (Run like a rabbit)
2012 - Concílio da Destruição (Council of Destruction)
2011 - (ver[ ]ter) (see[ ]have)
2010 - O pato selvagem (The wild duck)
2009 - 2o. d.pedro 2o.
2007 - A última quimera (The last chimera)
2006 - Errantes (Wanderers)
2006 - CHALAÇA a peça (CHALAÇA the play)
2005 - Galvez Imperador do Acre (Galvez Emperor of Acre)
2004 - Terror e miséria no III Reich (Fear and Misery of the Third Reich)
2003 - Feiticeiras de Salém (The crucible)
2000 - Homens de papel (Men of paper)
2020 - xs culpadxs (the perpetrators)
2020 - Vovó Surrealista (Surrealist Granny)
2020 - Atalho 'poesia' (Shortcut 'poetry')
2019 - O canto dos homens do asfalto (The song of the land men)
2018 - Il Canto delle Donne dell'Asfalto
2017 - ANTIdeus (ANTIgod)
2017 - poesia sem ponto 'poesia' (poetry without dot 'poetry')
2016 - arrancar a relva para que o verde permaneça (pulling up the grass to keep it green)
2015 - O canto das mulheres do asfalto (The song of the asphalt women)
2011 - Ensaio sobre a queda (Essay about the fall)