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MEDUSA concreta | concrete MEDUSA - 2018
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MAUSER de garagem | garage MAUSER - 2016
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GUERRA sem batalha | WAR without battle - 2015
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uni - v oco s - 2014
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(ver[ ]ter) à deriva | (see[ ]have) adrift - 2015
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Quem não sabe mais quem é, o que é e onde está, precisa se mexer
Those who no longer know who they are, what they are and where they are need to move - 2014
Petróleo | Petroleum - 2013
Corra como um coelho | Run like a rabbit - 2013
Concílio da Destruição | Council of Destruction - 2012
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(ver[ ]ter) | (see[ ]have) - 2011
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O pato selvagem | The wild duck - 2010
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2o. d.pedro 2o. - 2009
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A última quimera | The last chimera - 2007
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CHALAÇA a peça | CHALAÇA the play - 2006
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Galvez Imperador do Acre | Emperor of Acre - 2005
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As feiticeiras de Salém | The crucible - 2004
Terror e miséria no III Reich | Fear and Misery of the Third Reich - 2003
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